Tuesday, November 3, 2009

chapter12:cry of the hunters

Chapter 12: cry of the hunter
Dear dairy,
It seem like everyone in the island is having a really bad time. It is hard to see them like that fighting about every little thing. I am really sad that we were all together at first but now there is me and piggy that are not there with them. So what i find out is that Ralph was hiding from is purures so they wouldn't get him on top of the rock if i am right. Then Ralph is really hungry and /they he went of to jacks tribe and SAM/Eric gave him some of his meat that jack hunted for. Then something bad happens were Sam/Eric are in jacks tribe but it is by forces or else they would hurt them. Then with my won eyes i see that roger is shapering the spear the kill Ralph. When they were going to hunt Ralph he tried to hide but jack started to threaded him and that is how jack found his weakness. All this was bad and the Ralph when he went to the beach he saw a ship that he could of got saved. Then jack saw it to or the think heard it were he came down to the beach also. That is were i starts to get ugly and again they start to fight. When finally and that last thing some think happens on the island. then the stopswhile they were fighting and that is how the naval officer got mad and disappointed and asked who was leader and also got mad because they lied at first. Will i am Simon and i hope one there way home they could be friends.
chapter 12: cry of the hunters

Thursday, October 22, 2009

chapter 11:castle rock-

Castle rock
  1. Ralph got the conch and piggy asked him if he could blow on it.
  2. Piggy will tell jack that if he could of asked he would give it him but like he did not ask so piggy thought that jack was really mad.
  3. When Ralph comes he came with the kids faced painted and they are all ready to go. also clean and ready to confront.
  4. when Ralph's tribe gets to jack tribe in castle rock roger challgences them and tells them to leave
  5. I think that when Ralph gets there jack was sharping the spears.
  6. So Ralph still wants the fight and decide to call jack a thief so the fight would keep on going.
  7. The fight ends and something happens to SAM,Eric and they have to go to jacks tribe.
  8. roger starts to throw stones at Ralph's tribe and to piggy.
  9. In this chapter piggy also ends up dieding and falling off a Cliff. which it is really hard to end up the book like this. I think that jack has to do as will with Piggy's death.I am sure that jack had a plan to kill piggy . I think this was all plan cause if Simon dead than if piggy dead then Ralph has no one else to covert jack and his tribe. Ralph only now has the little one with him and i don't think that they would know how to throw spears.It would be difficult with case of piggy and Ralph with no tribe. Then now jack has piggy's glasses Ralph has no one to back him up . jack did this so he can find a way to make fire and get saved before Ralph finds a way first. All i know is that jack made a second murder and Ralph has no tribe. Jack is trying to get saved before Ralph does. Think about this. chapter 11:castle rocks.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

chapter 10: The shell and the glasses

chapter 10
Dear dairy, today i am finding out how and why they killed me. I could see everyone but they can't see me. so i am hearing all this stuff about and they are disgussing my death and who killed me and it is a problem. today I heard Ralph and piggy taking and they were talking about my death. piggy told Ralph that they killing me was an accident. They said because it was dark everyone was still scared of about the beast. Also they were dancing and were really loud and they heard someone coming they got frighten and did not know what to do and they went off and stabbed me. so right know it comes were they are saying all this was just an accident. About jack making his own tribe he also made his own rules. Jack started saying that when they kill a pig they shall offer meat to the beast and to not try to kill it. Now they are thinking that Ralph tribe is going to come and try to destroy they shelter and there home and there other rule is always be taking care of the shelters.that is something that has happen.
Another thing was that jack is planning something with Maurice and roger i think is that they are going to try to make the fire and get rescued also trying to kill piggy. also they are going to attack Ralph tribe when only Ralph wants peace. there is alot haping and they don't realize how much this is hurting them and it is going to be a really big problem. If they keep fighting they are never going work anything and someone might end up hurt like me and they are going to say it was an accident again.
Now this time jack deiced to go and tryed to destroy Ralph's shelters and everything and why is he doing this.... He is doing this because he is still mad that no one raised there hand at the assembly when he said ''who does not want Ralph to be leader.'' no one said anything so that is why they are going to destoy Ralph's tribe.
that is it that i am going to write in my dairy and i hope everything works out between jack and Ralph. and there will be a oppuntiy that they can get saved. BYE CHAPTER 10.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

chapter 9 : A view to death

I personal know that lord of the flies caused the death of Simon. Will i don't know the specific novels. I know that lord of the flies threatened Simon. Also told Simon that Simon could not kill him because he was inside of everyone in the island. Also i think he told Simon that he was full of frighten. I think it is obvious that lord of the flies caused Simon died because at first he started to talk and no one like that talks. I am going to talk about how and who killed simon. I think that lord of the flies caused all this of the murder because if he talked then there could be a lot happing while they were talking. Lord of the flies killed or if simon saw and was going to tell everyone that he found the beast and they killed him because they thought simon was the beastr. so it all comes together were lord of the flies caused the death and murder of simon.Okay lord of the flies threathens simon,said no one could kill him,also said that everyone has frighten in there self.Then simon goes and tells everyone that he found the beast. i know that the lord of the flies does not want to get killed so he could of do somethig so where everyone could think it was the beast. I think and know that they kids that killed simon was an accident because it was dark and everyone imaganration got frighten so they acted fast and did not know what do do go they just go off and do somethig that they know how to do. so what do you think and you have a other story you would like to tell us. That is it for chapther9:A VIEW TO DEATH.

chapter 8 : Gift of the darkness

chapter 8 : this chapter was the most scary and frighten and disturbing chapter as will as the most important chapter. This part that i will be talking about is how and why did jack ran away. So it all started when jack called an Assembly and asked everyone to raise there hands if they wanted Ralph to not be leader. So he waited untill they raise there hands but no one did. Jack one more time said it nice and for everyone to hear and said who doesn't want jack to be leader. Again it did not work and no one raised there hands. jack looked really mad and also embraced. So jack did not know what to do or what to say because they all thought that Ralph should still be leader. Jack got mad and said ''I am not playing this game with you.''jack also said that he was going to go make his own tribe some where else away from Ralph and everyone else. He said if somebody wanted to go with him they could come. which only little of people went. At the end left and then i think it was Simon that asked if he was going to come back and Ralph said that he would when it starts to get dark he will come back. For that time they were all talking about how they had to go up the mountin to make the fire. Everyone got scared knowing that the beast was still there. So piggy decide to think about doing the the fire close to were they were. So they started to make the fire and they were all happy and and singing , dancing and having a great time. Everyone realized that they did not need jack and he was making this all worse. so they were happy when making the fire. That was it for Chapter 8: Gift for the darkness.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

chapter 7:shadows and tall trees

Dear dairy ,
so today me as piggy it has been pretty good. Today they were playing a game and it was to act as if killing the pig.They were having a good time and there mood was to have a good time and to remember that they were still kids. once in a while we should play games.Then they start to talk about how the should get a real pig. I think he said that because maybe the littluns are going bye bye. The littluns might go bye bye because they are not doing anything and not helping. So everyone is terrified because they found evidence that there is a beast. that evidence was finding foot steps and were he meant of slept. SO THAT WAS MY DAY TODAY.
Piggy:It thought that game was okay and they need time to have fun even if they have fun everyday.

chapter 6:beast from air

Dear dairy,
So what realize it that we really found out who was really a big kid or was still one of the littluns. I saw that the beast let us know who was really scared. The boys weren't told because they didn't believe there was a beat around and that it was the littluns imagination. Then SAM n' Eric come tell US that tell have seen the beast.They were so frighten and they start to describe the beast and he said it was furry, something was moving from the back of his head,and had wings but they say they were just kidding. Then he said that the beast had teeth, eyes,and draws. When jack said that they were going to go and kill it no one wanted to go. piggy said that maybe the beast won't come all the way over to where to were . So he stayed with the littluns.Will right now we are not sure but i think there is a beast.
Ralph:I think i am still the strongest leader even though they still act like kids and more right now with everything from the beast. Will i found out there is a beast and everyone is freaking out.Then they are asked to go and kill the beast and no one wants to go because they are scared. piggy stayes with the littluns while the rest have to go.