Tuesday, June 1, 2010

TKAM Journal #7

Choice A: Most of the local people in Maycomb felt that it would be a disgrace for a black person to win in a dispute with any with a white person, so they took Bob Ewell's side. Have you ever been in a situation where someone took a side that they obviously knew was wrong? How did this make you feel?
Answer A: I have felt many ways in many situation. Some i have got through them and some I still feel they still get in my way. I'm the person were i can't handle the situation in the way everyone is supposed to. This situation lead me to a lesson i never got and will never forget.

So i was in my old school and i was going back to my class room. I was with a group of friends and all of a sudden this girls come up to me and start to say all this kinds of stuff to me. Everyone told me to not say anything because i was going to get in trouble. So i deiced to ignore them. Then all of a sudden there in back of me Still trying to get mad. This was no the first time they had been bugging me but this was the day i was treid of it so i just did what i has to do. So i was in a bad mood and i went of on them. Then teacher saw us and sent us the the office. The other girls started to say there story and i thought they were going to tell the same story i was. When all of a sudden they come out that i was the one bothering them and i was making fun of the way they all looked. Will they told the office a whole different story i never expected. I thought i was going to have time and able to say the truth when they just take there side. I got really mad and even my friends told them i didn't do anything. They still believed them and i got in trouble and if was just drama by the end of the school.
I thought it wasn't fair and i just wanted to tell them what had happen. I felt dumb i felt that i got the consequences when there the ones that started off.
I learned that i should just walk away and to tell them to stop.

Monday, May 24, 2010

TKAM Journal #4

C: How do you think the story (what you read so far) would have changed if Scout and Jem had a mother present in their lives? Would it change for the better or for the worse? Explain your thoughts.

If Scout and Jems Mother would still be here it would be different in a good way.

If Scouts and Jems mother would still be here Scout's Feminal side would come out. She would have a other way of thinking. She know whats right or wrong. What to say yes or what to say no to. She would not get in problems in school and beat up kids from her class. Scout would realize that in maycomb not everyone is the same and not everyone has the same heart. Some people in maycomb are raciest and some are not. Some are poor some are worth nothing. Scout doesn't know that because no one sits next to her and explain what direction she should be going. Now in school kids say a word and she say that word to. Scout is in the age of where she does what other people do say what other people say. I say the Scout doesn't have that education that she needs.

Jem would still have her mother around he would have a better understanding of stuff.

Jem would have someone to talk to when Atticus is at work. Jem would have the mind and understanding to leave the radleys house alone. To not miss with people that do want problems. Jem is growing up and If Jem would have his mother he would know with who to hang out with. To say no to drugs and to stay in school. The bad thing that he would have responsibilities and chores. Jem would have to do more around the house and be kind to Scout

It feels good to have both parents around. Once one parent leave your stuck with the other one and sometime your not comfortable talking to that parent because his a man. When you have both parents you can talk to one parent about something and the other parent about something else. You learn something from both parents and you have fun with both of them.

Saturday, May 15, 2010


Journal #4
Chapters 10, 11, & 12
Perspective: Atticus

Dear Journal,
Today was a day were Scout and Jem found out who i really was. Jem and Scout would tell me why i was old. In my mind i would say '' If you knew what talent i have you'll both be surprised.'' But i just sayed i got started late and then i would stay quiet. Wondering why they would think that? They though i was old because i wore glasses and because every time me and Jem would play football I'll stop him when he would be to a point of tacking me. I kind of feel bad because as me being Scout and Jems father they don't know the real me and the truth of who i really I'm. Before i left to work I saw Scout with her rifle gun. I told her that it was better to shot tin cans instead of bulerays. I mean I didn't care if she would shot one if she could get a blueray. Then i told her to never shoot a Mockingbird its a sin. Scout stayed in silence and looked at me as if i was an old crazy father Scout then left running to Miss Maudie house. I wonder why but it was time for me to go to the office. I was sitting in the office doing my work when i got a phone call. It was calupina saying there was a mad dog outside. Told me to come as soon as possible So i got up and brought with me a sheriff names Mr. Tate. I told her to Isolate everyone from the mad dog. We got there and the crazy mad dog was running like never seen before in a long time. It was only February and it was surprising how this dog was reacting. We had no time to waste. Mr. Tate has no choice but to shoot the mad dog. Mr. Tate you could see he was scared to shoot and was going to slow that the dog end up in the Radleys house.

I told him '' Mr. Tate shoot the dog now''

He would say '' You shoot the dog Atticus.''

''Mr. Tate you shoot the dog hurry before its to late.''

''Atticus i can't shoot that far and you know it.''

So i got the gun and it would of been the first time i would shoot in thirty years. There i was holding the gun sweat passing my face and my legs shaking . Hoping Scout and jem aren't looking at what I'm about to do to this dog. I got the gun ready to shot. There goes a shoot and with that shoot it was enough for the mad dog to stop. I turn around and everyone was coming out one by one out there house. All i said before i looked at scout and jem and said No one get close to the dog Zeebo would come to collect him. I got in the car with the sheriff an saw Scout and Jem with a face i never saw before I didn't say anything and jut left to the office. That was my day today and i never wanted to shoot that dog because i knew they would find out but some how they were going to find out. Its time for me to go to sleep and today was a long day.


Wednesday, May 12, 2010


Journal #3-

Chapters 8 & 9

Perspective: Miss Maudie

I can't belive this just happened to me. I woke up this moringwith jem and scout screaming because it was snowing and it was there first time. Everyone was suprised because ever since 1885 snow hasn't come. When all of a sudden i remember that my back yard was going to freeze. I got to my back yard and i see Jem and Scout with a smile and asked if they could borrow some snow. That would been my way to get the snow out of my backyard before it got worse. I told them to take it all and to not lave any behind and they both smiled. I asked him that what was he going to do with the snow but Scout and me were in the same poision we both didn't know. Once jem and Scout collected the snow they could they left.I went to my pourch and Mr.Avery was saying out to the world that it would only snow if the kids disobeyed their parnets and smoked and made war with eachother. Everyone knew Mr. Avery was crazy for thinking that and everyone was Unanimous about that without no doubt. I go to my backyard to see my beautiful flowers when all of a sudden i feel someone get something from my head. Once i turned around nothing was there it has seem like someone Chameleon with the walls. So i go to my pourch and i see something i have never seen im a really long time. It was a snow man with my hat on top of it. Even the snowman looked beautiful but i still wanted my hat back. By the afternoon the snow had stopped. It was mid night and i had been baking something in the kitchen. I go to take a seat in when all of a sudden i start to smell something burnig i get up because i had remember i had left something on. I go and all my kicten was on fire and i knew everthing was going to to burn down because that house was old. I didn't know what to do if i should stay there or get out. But then the fire and the smell start to come up my noise and it was hard for me to breath. I go outside and once i get out everyone was outside just wacthing my house burn down. Untill Atticus came and other three men came and helped me and tried to go into the house to try to save my things. All i could think was My stuff and my plants. Atticus was every brave to go into the house when it still was about to fall all apart. The smoke came into me really hard and it was making me harder to breath. I just wanted to faint until i heard the fire truck come. I was worried of attiucs and i really didn't want them to go inside the house any more because i saw jem and scout standing looking frighten and it looked like Jem wanted to do something so the fire could stop. In Jem and Scout face looked like they were scared and i really didn't want them to see this but if they went into their house their might be a point the fire would get to there house. The fire was going up my stairs and i was not scared i was scared someone whould get hurt inside of my house. Untill the moment passed and everthing collasped to the ground. While a fire man was talking care of me i saw everthing fall down with a big sound that hurt my ears and closed my eyes to see no more.That day passed the fire stopped and everyone left home while i stayed their to stare at what has be runied. Then something came through me and all of a sudden i didn't worry that the house was in ashes. That house was old and i was lonley in that house and was to big for and myself with this new house there going to built i hope its smaller so i could get a bigger garden for my plants.
Now im seating here in miss Stephanie house waiting for my cake to be ready.
~Miss Maudie

Monday, May 10, 2010

To Kill A Mockingbirds


Hi my name is Scout. This whole week has been okay and the summer is coming and I'm going to start second grade. I'm thinking that its going to be much better because i won't be with Miss Caroline. While the summer is still here I've been with miss Maudie and dill and jem a have stop bothering the radleys house. They had keep what attics told them two. For some reason i knew that something was going to happen this summer. The summer was coming to an end and nothing much has been happing. They days passed the weekend was over and the end of summer was coming. I heard Dill and Jem say that they were making a plan to sneak over the radleys house before Dill left maycomb. I saw them walk and i asked were they were going and they told me they were just going for a walk. They acted really nice and said that i didn't have to come and i could go home. Then they told me they wanted to go see if the can get a look of boo radley. They got mad because they said keep your flap shut or go home. They were telling me all kind of mean stuff and they told me i was acting like a girl each time. I wanted to prove to them that i was brave as well and i went along. They were saying that it would of been better if we climb on the top of the wire fence and to get to the back yard of the radleys house. All i could feel is my heart beat speeding really fast. I tried not make a noise because i knew the radley's would find out. There i was in the back of Jem him getting father away from me every time. I tried to catch up but i was scared that if i made took a step i would make noise. I didn't know what to do and what to think because i was just thinking what about if we got caught. There we were stepping on the radleys back yard me holding on to Jems and Dill rest. Jem took a peek in the window but could not see anything so they were planning to go to the next window but i stop them and said ''no.'' They just stared at me and then Jem went to the other window trying not to make noise. He step on a step and he made a little noise. We all stayed in silence and still. He made another move going up the stairs. Looking into the radleys house i was looking to make sure no one was coming. I turned away and to see what Jem was seeing when all of a sudden i see a shadow thinking it was tree. I saw a it walking and i said no its someone and i looked if Dill or Jem had Seen It. I wanted to tell him that someone was coming but i was to scared to talk or even to move. The sweat was coming through my face i just wanted to burst out from the radleys house. Then Dill saw it and looked at me the that shadow passed through Jem and we all stayed still when all of a sudden it was coming outside with something in his hand. Jem got out of the porch and made a sign to get out. Jem holding the fence for us and us running i was shaking and i just wanted to cry that i tripped and i heard a shot up in the air. We were so close to that shougunt it hurt my ears and i didn't know what to do. I hold me breath and go my frighten in me and keeped on running. We were jumping the fence the fence from the back of the school when i didn't see jem i was frighten. I was just thinking what about if they got Jem already. It was my only frighten. Dill and me go back and he was stuck on the fence. He took his pants off so he could go trough. I knew Jem would do anything to get passed that fence. We got to the school yard when i could not make it no more. I was tried and frighten at the same time i was in shock. We get to the oak tree when we see everyone outside. Mr Finch asked were have we been and if we heard the shot in the air. That moment i felt when be caught and we were going to get in trouble. Then Jem answer that they were playing cards. He had lie and i felt bad because i knew the truth.Mr finch then asked were was his pants and Dill and said he lost them on a game they were playing. There went another lie i knew about and i felt sorry and quillty. That night like at two Jem was going to the radleys house to get his jeans back. I was sweating and looking at him disappear and i felt i was doing something bad thing to cover him up but i didn't want to let him down like he did when he told me i just made noise.
That was my day and i hope tomorrow is a better day!

Hi my name is scout. The summer has been over and i am starting second grade and so far its been bad and jem only tells me that it will get better soon. That afternoon Jem tells me that he found his jeans fold on the top of the fence and he found something else. It was a ball of gray twine. He tookit because he said that no one took that so he keeped it him self. Second grade made me feel like i was in first grade. They still made flash card and didn't let me read or write. Then all of a sudden he keeped on finding the suprise on the knothole. That Knothole has been there for ever and i loved that like never before. Untill one day we saw the knothole with covered with cement. i alomst cried and i felt like something has left inside of me. We askesd if mr finch and he said it has been coverded because the tree was drying.
I don't know what is going to happen but im scared that knothole will never me there more.

To Kill A Mockingbirds

Chapter 5:
Hi my names is scout and today was not so much fun. It seems that Jem and dill don't want to hangout with me no more. They are always in the tree house planing games to play and if they call me its because they need help with something. There is my neighbor named Miss Maudie Atkinson. She has a great talent for baking cakes and garding. Her garden looks pretty every time. I thought she would make me copnley because Jem was to busy playing with Dill. While i was with her she was talking to me about boo radley and what is his real name. I learned alot from him and that he was a good kid and that he still was alive. His real name is Arthur and miss Maudie said that he knew him when he was a little boy. That he wasn't a boy like the rest of the radleys and that he was a polite kid but by the time passed he became some one different. That he still lived in that house. Ever thing that Miss Maudie told me i told Jem and Dill. They made plan so they were able to see boo radley. They were planing a way to get him out of the house so they invited him out but before they could do it the Atticus caught them and told them to stop that it was for his own good. Will that's what happen today and i wonder what will Jem and Dill would do just to get boo radley out of the house.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

To Kill A MockingBird

Journal #2-
Chapters 4-7
Perspective: Scout

Hi my name is scout and Im Jems Little sister. I am not feeling well i just think first grade is not my best choice and maybe sceond grade will chnage now that i won't be with Miss Caroline. Me and Jem had a long day today and i was walking home from school. I was running because Jem stayed after school and i got scared and ran untill... I was just teetering all around when all of a sudden something catchs my eye. i was passing the radleys house when i see something sticking out from the oak tree. I go over and find out what it was while Jem keeped on walking. It was a piece of gum si i decied to put it in my mouth when all of a sudden i see an other one. That other piece of gum goes right in my mouth. He comes home and i tell him my andvrntour and He starts to freak out like a werid kid looking at blood. All i could hear was spit it out Its not funnie. So i spit out because he was screaming like crazy. I thought it was funnie but then i saw him and he was in panic. The gum tasted like wriglry's double mint and it was runnig out of flavor so i spit out. That nest when we were walking from home i showed Jem were i found the gum so he could belive me and then we find something else in the tree.Jem reaches and we ran all the way home so no one see us. It was a smail box and in it was two pennies. They were not just pennies they were polised and they were two indian heads. I saw them and they were really old and we were thinking of keeping them but untill the end of the summer. We would ask everyone if it belonged to them. Dill had arrived from merdian and in a hurry he came in a train. The few day of summer Jem and dill and me were looking every tried. Then one day Dill was telling Jem that he was going to die in three days that an old lady though him how to till when some one was going die. Jem was getting mad and was telling him to stop. They were both starting at the radley house and i just thought they were going to do something bad agian to get something out of the radleys house. We start to play there games when it was my turn and it had rolled to the radleys house. We keep on playing when all of a sudden they decied to keep taking out the people from the radley house. Attuics catch us and Jem lies about everything and say that the games has nothing to do with the radleys house. Thats when we stop playing the game because we don't know if it safe enough.