Monday, May 10, 2010

To Kill A Mockingbirds


Hi my name is Scout. This whole week has been okay and the summer is coming and I'm going to start second grade. I'm thinking that its going to be much better because i won't be with Miss Caroline. While the summer is still here I've been with miss Maudie and dill and jem a have stop bothering the radleys house. They had keep what attics told them two. For some reason i knew that something was going to happen this summer. The summer was coming to an end and nothing much has been happing. They days passed the weekend was over and the end of summer was coming. I heard Dill and Jem say that they were making a plan to sneak over the radleys house before Dill left maycomb. I saw them walk and i asked were they were going and they told me they were just going for a walk. They acted really nice and said that i didn't have to come and i could go home. Then they told me they wanted to go see if the can get a look of boo radley. They got mad because they said keep your flap shut or go home. They were telling me all kind of mean stuff and they told me i was acting like a girl each time. I wanted to prove to them that i was brave as well and i went along. They were saying that it would of been better if we climb on the top of the wire fence and to get to the back yard of the radleys house. All i could feel is my heart beat speeding really fast. I tried not make a noise because i knew the radley's would find out. There i was in the back of Jem him getting father away from me every time. I tried to catch up but i was scared that if i made took a step i would make noise. I didn't know what to do and what to think because i was just thinking what about if we got caught. There we were stepping on the radleys back yard me holding on to Jems and Dill rest. Jem took a peek in the window but could not see anything so they were planning to go to the next window but i stop them and said ''no.'' They just stared at me and then Jem went to the other window trying not to make noise. He step on a step and he made a little noise. We all stayed in silence and still. He made another move going up the stairs. Looking into the radleys house i was looking to make sure no one was coming. I turned away and to see what Jem was seeing when all of a sudden i see a shadow thinking it was tree. I saw a it walking and i said no its someone and i looked if Dill or Jem had Seen It. I wanted to tell him that someone was coming but i was to scared to talk or even to move. The sweat was coming through my face i just wanted to burst out from the radleys house. Then Dill saw it and looked at me the that shadow passed through Jem and we all stayed still when all of a sudden it was coming outside with something in his hand. Jem got out of the porch and made a sign to get out. Jem holding the fence for us and us running i was shaking and i just wanted to cry that i tripped and i heard a shot up in the air. We were so close to that shougunt it hurt my ears and i didn't know what to do. I hold me breath and go my frighten in me and keeped on running. We were jumping the fence the fence from the back of the school when i didn't see jem i was frighten. I was just thinking what about if they got Jem already. It was my only frighten. Dill and me go back and he was stuck on the fence. He took his pants off so he could go trough. I knew Jem would do anything to get passed that fence. We got to the school yard when i could not make it no more. I was tried and frighten at the same time i was in shock. We get to the oak tree when we see everyone outside. Mr Finch asked were have we been and if we heard the shot in the air. That moment i felt when be caught and we were going to get in trouble. Then Jem answer that they were playing cards. He had lie and i felt bad because i knew the truth.Mr finch then asked were was his pants and Dill and said he lost them on a game they were playing. There went another lie i knew about and i felt sorry and quillty. That night like at two Jem was going to the radleys house to get his jeans back. I was sweating and looking at him disappear and i felt i was doing something bad thing to cover him up but i didn't want to let him down like he did when he told me i just made noise.
That was my day and i hope tomorrow is a better day!

Hi my name is scout. The summer has been over and i am starting second grade and so far its been bad and jem only tells me that it will get better soon. That afternoon Jem tells me that he found his jeans fold on the top of the fence and he found something else. It was a ball of gray twine. He tookit because he said that no one took that so he keeped it him self. Second grade made me feel like i was in first grade. They still made flash card and didn't let me read or write. Then all of a sudden he keeped on finding the suprise on the knothole. That Knothole has been there for ever and i loved that like never before. Untill one day we saw the knothole with covered with cement. i alomst cried and i felt like something has left inside of me. We askesd if mr finch and he said it has been coverded because the tree was drying.
I don't know what is going to happen but im scared that knothole will never me there more.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, you did a really good job. I liked how you described every moment of going to the Radley's house. You had really good detail and it was easy to understand what Scout was thinking. You might want to have someone else read over your work before you post it to make sure there are no more mistakes. Also, remember to label which post it is.
    Great job!
