Saturday, May 8, 2010

To Kill A MockingBird

Journal #2-
Chapters 4-7
Perspective: Scout

Hi my name is scout and Im Jems Little sister. I am not feeling well i just think first grade is not my best choice and maybe sceond grade will chnage now that i won't be with Miss Caroline. Me and Jem had a long day today and i was walking home from school. I was running because Jem stayed after school and i got scared and ran untill... I was just teetering all around when all of a sudden something catchs my eye. i was passing the radleys house when i see something sticking out from the oak tree. I go over and find out what it was while Jem keeped on walking. It was a piece of gum si i decied to put it in my mouth when all of a sudden i see an other one. That other piece of gum goes right in my mouth. He comes home and i tell him my andvrntour and He starts to freak out like a werid kid looking at blood. All i could hear was spit it out Its not funnie. So i spit out because he was screaming like crazy. I thought it was funnie but then i saw him and he was in panic. The gum tasted like wriglry's double mint and it was runnig out of flavor so i spit out. That nest when we were walking from home i showed Jem were i found the gum so he could belive me and then we find something else in the tree.Jem reaches and we ran all the way home so no one see us. It was a smail box and in it was two pennies. They were not just pennies they were polised and they were two indian heads. I saw them and they were really old and we were thinking of keeping them but untill the end of the summer. We would ask everyone if it belonged to them. Dill had arrived from merdian and in a hurry he came in a train. The few day of summer Jem and dill and me were looking every tried. Then one day Dill was telling Jem that he was going to die in three days that an old lady though him how to till when some one was going die. Jem was getting mad and was telling him to stop. They were both starting at the radley house and i just thought they were going to do something bad agian to get something out of the radleys house. We start to play there games when it was my turn and it had rolled to the radleys house. We keep on playing when all of a sudden they decied to keep taking out the people from the radley house. Attuics catch us and Jem lies about everything and say that the games has nothing to do with the radleys house. Thats when we stop playing the game because we don't know if it safe enough.

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